Raising Your Son to Be a Leader, Not a Follower

Raising Your Son to Be a Leader, Not a Follower


Learn How To Raise Your Son to Be a Leader, Not a Follower


  1. Be willing to stand apart
    Leaders face greater responsibility, more vocal criticism, and a lonelier existence as they advance in the ranks. However, good leaders may act with conviction, courage, and a readiness to speak out when others are unwilling. They established a bar that others must meet. The distinction between a leader and the crowd is this. There may be a sense of security in being a member of the crowd. But to be a leader, one must be courageous enough to take risks.
  2. Be trustworthy
    Others must trust you in order for you to be a successful leader. Consequently, a leader needs to gain followers’ trust. To do it, one must tell the truth and consistently and strictly keep promises. You ought to be dependable when it comes to trust. You become untrustworthy if it isn’t. Your voice also disappears when you lose that.
  3.  Invest in, care for, and empower others
    It is not about empowering oneself to be a leader. The goal is to help others. Knowing people’s strengths and interests while also putting them in situations where they can use their strengths and passions is the ideal approach to motivate them to join a cause. However, if you want to be a person of influence, you must be aware of where people are right now and where they might be. You must also assist them in getting there.
  4. Define reality
    The first responsibility of every leader is to define reality… If you don’t believe me, try batting with a stump. You find out your actual level of play quickly. A true leader sees himself as he actually is (the good and the bad) and not how he wishes to be seen. Facing the truth, however ugly it may be, is essential. A leader seeks feedback to gain a clearer picture of reality rather than avoiding it. Growth, change, innovation, and solutions are only possible when you have a firm understanding and acceptance of the current state of affairs.
  5. Never stop learning
    To be a good leader, one must first follow. Find those who possess the leadership qualities you desire, and take notes from them. Moreover, never stop learning. There is always more to learn, as any competent software mastermind is aware.
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